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St. Patrick's Senior National School, Corduff, Dublin 15
School closed for St Patrick's Day 17th & 18th of March. School re-opens on the 19th.
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Student of the Week and Golden Box 4th - 9th December

9th Dec 2022

Congratulations to this week's students of the week!

3rd Class:

Ms. McGowan: Manes for having such a positive attitude towards school. He has come into school every day this week with a smile and his great sense of humour also puts a smile on everyone else's face. Manes has also made massive improvements in his spellings! well done Manes.

Ms. O'Connor: Ezechiel has been working very hard recently. I have been very impressed with the improvement in his attitude towards his schoolwork. He brightens up our class with his great sense of humour and his smile. Keep up the good work Ezechiel!

Mr. D. O'Flynn: Daniel for always showing a great work ethic in class. Daniel is a very capable pupil and is always willing to help others out when needed. Well done Daniel.

4th Class

Mr. Brady: John for being an excellent friend to our new student. John has made a huge effort to help Viorel settle in and has looked to get his own work done with time to spare so he can help Viorel. A special mention to Andreea and Yasmina who have also translated all week for Viorel, making sure he feels as comfortable as possible in his new school. Well done to all three!

Ms. Gill: Patryk has made a great effort with all of his work this week. He is always kind and polite to others. In fact, other staff have complimented his manners and acts of kindness. Patryk sets a great example for us all

Ms. Mulderrig/Ms. O'Shaughnessy: Franchesca for her excellent work ethic and for always being so kind to all her classmates. Franchesca is such a positive and hard working pupil who sets a great example to her fellow classmates. Well done Franchesca.

5th Class:

Mr. C. O'Flynn: Viola for always displaying exemplary manners. Viola is new to our class this year and has settled in brilliantly. She is bright, hard working and is a great addition to our class.

Mr. O'Hara: SotW: Zoey, for showing massive improvement in terms of concentrating & listening so much more to everything going on in class all week. Well done Zoey.

6th Class:

Ms. Daly: Cillian is an exemplary pupil with such kind manners and is always so helpful and friendly each day in our class. Cillian is a hard working pupil who will always participate and engage in all lessons throughout the week. Cillian always comes to school with great positivity & a smile on his face. Well done Cillian, keep up the good work!

Mr. Galvin: Cailiula can always be relied on to give her best effort in every subject. This week I have noticed Cailiula make a real effort to be a force of positivity in the classroom. This was especially evident in PE where she was praising people on the other team for their efforts during futsal. This made PE a more positive experience and more enjoyable for the whole class. Keep it up Cailiula!

Mr. Ryan: Cillian for a consistently positive attitude in class towards every subject. Cillian works extremely hard every day and this shows in his work. Keep it up Cillian. Well done.

Ms. N. Kelly: Wojciech for having an amazing week in his Mental Maths this week. Wojciech is putting massive efforts into his maths homework each night this week, and it is really paying off! No matter how hard the task, Wojciech will always approach it in a positive and hard working manner. Well done Wojciech, keep up the great work!! :)

Golden Box

This week we have two Golden Box nominations:
Dolores has nominated Patryk from Ms. Gill's class
Ms. Ward has nominated Jake from Mr. Brady's class
Both boys have shown great kindness to both staff and students this week