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St. Patrick's Senior National School, Corduff, Dublin 15
School closed for St Patrick's Day 17th & 18th of March. School re-opens on the 19th.
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Student of the Week and Golden Box 10th-14th October

14th Oct 2022

Congratulations to this week's students of the week!

3rd Class:

Ms. McGowan: Macey has been a great addition to our class this year. Since joining she has shown great kindness and has been an excellent friend to everyone. She puts in a massive effort into all school work and is making remarkable improvements in her spellings. Well done Macey keep it up. 

Ms. O'Connor: Daniel has made a great improvement in his listening skills, his concentration and the quality of his classwork. He has wonderful manners and is very kind to everyone in our class. Well done Daniel.  

Mr. D. O'Flynn: Armaan for working incredibly hard all week. Armaan has such a positive attitude to his work and always comes to school with a smile on his face. Armaan is also a great helper to me and others. Well done Armaan.

Ms. Farrell: Mia for her all her hard work this week! Mia comes into school every day with a big smile on her face and this week she has got involved in all our lessons, working especially hard on her phonics and has used lots of new words this week. Well done Mia, we are so proud of you! 

4th Class

Mr. Brady: Megan has been an exemplary student since the start of the year. She is an extremely polite and mannerly girl along with being an excellent independent worker. Megan produces homework of an extremely high standard daily and is an excellent example to her classmates. Well done Megan. 

Ms. Gill: My student of the week is James. James has a fantastic positive attitude, he comes school every morning ready for day ahead. He encourages and supports his classmates and shows great kindness to those who need it most. James always tries his best and sets a wonderful example for us all, well done James!!

Ms. Mulderrig/Ms. O'Shaughnessy: Kamsi - he is always so kind, thoughtful and helpful to his teachers and other pupils. He is an extremely caring boy who is always looking out for his classmates.

Ms. N. Kelly: Jayson, for having an excellent week in school this week. Jayson always come to school in good spirits and ready for whatever the day brings. Jayson has displayed excellent recalling and retelling of his story this week, and his maths test results were really good. He is making new friends and playing with them each day on yard as the weeks go on. Keep up the great work Jayson. Well done

5th Class:

Mr. C. O'Flynn: Liz for her lovely manner in class. Liz has incredible manners and comes into class every day positive and willing to work. Liz has done exceptionally well and has made a massive effort so far this year. 

Mr. O'Hara: Elma, for her brilliant positive attitude all week. Elma has asked lots of really good questions which shows she really cares about improving. Elma has worked really well with her class mates in smaller groupwork lessons also. Well done Elma. 

6th Class:

Ms. Daly: This week was particularly hard to choose as the children in my class have all been amazing. However, one girl in particular has had a great week and has really tried her best across all subject areas in school. Her positive attitude all week has been a great to see. This girl has been so helpful to myself and others too. Well done Ellie, keep up the hard work! 

Mr. Galvin: Kate comes to school with a smile on her face each day and a positive attitude. She has worked hard in every subject this week and always offers to help her classmates and other people in the school. It is a joy to have Kate in our classroom. Well done Kate.  

Mr. Ryan: Calvin is always willing to take part and tries his best. He has a great attitude towards his work and never gives up. Well done Calvin!

Golden Box

This week Ms. Daly has nominated Alex from Mr. Galvin's class for the Golden Box

Alex joined my class for Maths this year and at first was a bit nervous about joining us. However, Alex has done exceptionally well and works incredibly hard while in my room. Not only this but Alex brings with him a wave of positivity each day which is a great attribute to have. Alex will continue working hard until he can complete something independently. His work ethic is to be admired. I think Alex is a fantastic pupil who is really setting a great example for others around him. Well done Alex.