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St. Patrick's Senior National School, Corduff, Dublin 15
School closed for St Patrick's Day 17th & 18th of March. School re-opens on the 19th.
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Student of the Week 3rd - 7th October

11th Oct 2022

Congratulations to this week's students of the week!

3rd Class:

Ms. McGowan: Kai has had a brilliant start in the senior school. He displays incredible manners and positivity every day. He is very inclusive of everyone in our class. Kai completes both his school work and homework to the highest standard. Well done Kai. 

Ms. O'Connor: Tom for doing brilliant work in class. When he returns from Star each morning, he starts straight into his class work and tries his best in everything he does.

Mr. D. O'Flynn: Favour for having an exceptional start to life in Third Class. Favour is very hard working and always willing to put in extra effort. She is also very kind and courteous to others. Well done Favour!

4th Class

Mr. Brady: Darragh for settling into his new class and school extremely well. Darragh is a very polite and mannerly boy who has a great work ethic and always strives to do his best. He is a wonderful addition to our class.

Ms. Gill: Harper has had a fantastic week. Harper always tries her best and has a wonderful positive attitude, she comes to school each day with a smile on her face and a kind word for others. Harper is always there to offer a helping hand to anyone who needs it. Well done Harper! 

Ms. Mulderrig/Ms. O'Shaughnessy: Francie has a great attitude to work and always tries his best to complete tasks to the best of his ability. Keep up the great work Francie. 

Ms. N. Kelly: My student of the week goes to Paul. For his excellent attendance in school this year so far. He always brings a smile to everyone in our class everyday. He is such a positive example to his class mates, and an excellent helping hand in class. Keep up the great attendance Paul! 

Ms. Farrell: My student of the week goes to Alexander. Alexander has been amazing all week. He has worked so hard on his communication skills and he has been a kind friend to everyone - always checking that people are okay and trying to make everyone happy. We are all so proud of you Alexander - keep up the amazing work 

5th Class:

Mr. C. O'Flynn: Kyle for always coming into school with a great attitude and a willingness to learn. Kyle works tirelessly and I have been incredibly impressed with him since the start of 5th class. He is a great example to the class.  

Mr. O'Hara: Ava, goes about her business every day with no fuss, works so hard and listens to everyone when they speak. Ava is a great listener, that's why so many others enjoy her company. 

6th Class:

Ms. Daly: My student of the week this week goes to Sophie. Sophie is an exemplary student who will go above and beyond in everything she does. She presents her work to a very high standard at all times. Sophie is kind and polite at all times and I have seen this with other staff too. Well done Sophie!

Mr. Galvin: Cameron has been working very hard since we came back to school. Cameron's kindness towards all his classmates and his efforts to make everyone feel included make him an excellent classmate and friend. Well done Cameron.