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St. Patrick's Senior National School, Corduff, Dublin 15
Reminder - Parent/Teacher meetings will take place on the 22nd and 23rd of January. Monday 20th January the school is closed for Maths New Curriculum training.
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News2Day Visit 🎥 - Behind the Scenes

15th Feb 2023

Molly & Magnus from News2Day came to visit our school yesterday and spoke to some of our 5th and 6th Class pupils about our new school and our 5th Class’ upcoming trip to the National Concert Hall. Some of the 6th Class children also recreated writing their hopes for the new school on balloons. We hope that the story on our school will be broadcast this week so stay tuned! 👀

You can watch the show weekdays at 4.20pm on RTÉ2 and RTÉ Player.