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St. Patrick's Senior National School, Corduff, Dublin 15
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Ms. McDonnell Memorial Award - Wellbeing Week 2022

17th Jun 2022

To celebrate Wellbeing Week each teacher nominated a student from their class for the Ms. McDonnell Memorial Award.

We are lucky to have so many kind and caring students in our school, however there could only be 14 nominees.

The following students were nominated for embodying the spirit of Wellbeing Week all year round.

3rd Class

Ms. Burns: My well-being student of the year goes to Grace McMahon for being kind and helpful to her classmates every day, for being a great help to me in the class and for setting a fantastic example to her classmates by giving 100% effort to everything she does in school. Grace strives to challenge herself and improve every day and genuinely wants the same for her classmates. We are so lucky to have you in our class, Grace. Well done! 

Ms. McGowan: My well-being student of the year goes to Isaac Buceanu. Isaac is one of the most caring, thoughtful students I have ever met. He puts others before himself, he encourages his peers, he sees the good in every situation and so much more. Isaac is a brilliant friend and cheers everyone up with his positive attitude. We are so lucky to have Isaac in our class.

Mr. D. O'Flynn: I am picking James Gilbert for my wellbeing student of the year. James is kind, polite and always willing to help me and others. He possesses an infectious attitude that radiates throughout the classroom. He never gives up, no matter how difficult a task may be. James is always cheerful, even on the dullest of days. He is a brilliant friend to others. We're all very lucky to have James in our class, well done.

4th Class

Ms. Mulderrig/Ms. Shaughnessy: My well being student of the year goes to James Johnston. James has such a kind and gentle nature. He treats every person in our classroom whether you are a member of staff, a classmates or his best friends with the exact same level of respect. James listens to people so attentively when they are speaking and never shouts over anyone else to have his opinion heard. James it has been a pleasure for all of us to be in the company of your gentle and kind spirit this year.

Mr. O'Hara: Leixi O Reilly is the receiver of the Wellbeing award in my class. Lexi is great company for every other student to be in because she listens to others speak and is so caring and kind when she speaks herself. Lexi also loves to laugh and this brings great positivity to our classroom and to the yard every single day. Lexi never criticizes or hurts other people's feelings. We are all so lucky to have Lexi in our class.

Ms. Farrell: The well being award in our room has to go to Leighton O’Leary. Leighton is a kind, friendly and hilarious little boy. He comes into school everyday with a huge smile on his face and a friendly hello for everyone. Leighton has also worked so hard this year on being a good friend, he now tries so hard to share his toys & loves telling his friends funny stories. We are so lucky to have Leighton in our class and we are so proud of him! Congratulations Leighton! 

5th Class

Mr. Brady: Shirine Magema is the recipient of the well-being award from my class. Shirine epitomises everything a class teacher looks for in their student. She is a kind, mannerly and caring individual who will always put others before herself. Shirine has a lovely sense of humour and arrives in school every morning with a smile on her face. The best example of Shirine's generosity is the numerous drawings she gives to her classmates, pictures of something she knows will be of interest to them. A talented artist too I might add! Well done Shirine!

Mr. Cunningham: My well-being student of the year goes to Wanesa Jedrzejczak for always being kind and courteous to everyone in the class. She is always eager to work in every subject and leads by example for drive and motivation. Unfortunately, we are loosing Wanesa at the end of the school year as she's leaving for a new school, she will be a huge loss to the class but I'm sure with her positive attitude will fit seamlessly into her new class. All the best and well done on receiving the well-being student of the year. 

Mr. C. O'Flynn: Calvin Ryan is my well being student winner. Calvin always comes into school with positive energy and a smile to his face. He is kind, caring and treats others how he'd like to be treated himself. He brings a smile to our faces each day in class with his great sense of humour. Calvin is a brilliant friend, classmate and student to us all. We are very lucky to have him in our school.

Ms. N. Kelly: My wellbeing student of the year is Luke McGrail. He has such a kind and gentle nature with the students in our class. He is always first to help out in class, and he is always aware of his friends feelings. He has a great sense of humour and is always interested in what his teachers, SNAs and peers have to say. Our class wouldn't be the same without Luke in it. 

Ms. Butler/ Ms. O'Hagan: Alex Creighton for wellbeing student of the year. Alex is a pillar of support for everyone in the class teachers, snas, and students alike. He has grown into an exceptionally kind, caring, and funny young man. Despite his cheeky grin he shows great respect to people of all ages and he is a true delight to have in class each day!

6th Class

Ms. Daly: The well-being award in my room has to go to Callum Merrigan. Callum is a kind, caring and generous student who will always sacrifice things to put others before himself, be it in games/queues or anything else in our class. Callum has given the last slice of toast/sausage or sandwich to others on numerous occasions. His generosity knows no bounds and this was evident this week again when he gave money to a classmate for the cake sale. Not only is Callum a generous and caring boy, he is also very funny and makes myself and the class laugh each day with his funny sayings and jokes. We really are so lucky to have a personality like Callum in our class as he will always brighten up somebody's day! Well done Callum, this is well deserved! Thank you for always being you

Mr. Galvin: Aislin McEvoy is the well being student of the year in my class. Aislin is kind and always comes to school with a positive attitude. Aislin always looks out for others in our classroom. This week she even shared her cake sale treats with classmates who had forgotten to bring money. She brings great laughter to our classroom each day and we are so lucky to have Aislin in our class.

Ms. Toher: My well-being student of the year is Johnny Boy Collins. Johnny Boy arrives in school every day and brightens up our classroom with his wonderful energy. He always shows kindness to others and his wonderful sense of humour has brought us much laughter throughout the year. Whether entertaining us with songs or jokes, Johnny is an amazing addition to our class and we are so lucky to have him. 


Well done to all of the children nominated but a special congratulations to Grace from Ms. Burns' class who was our overall winner. Well done Grace!