Engineer's Week
The whole school took part in Engineer’s week, with different activities taking place during the week. 5th Class designed eco villages and then constructed some “eco buildings” with recycled materials. 3rd Class designed and constructed variety of creatures. 6th Class investigated the strength of various 3D structures and shapes using match sticks(they concluded that a building made of triangles and pyramids would be the strongest). 6th Class also learned about computer engineering and had a go at writing their own codes. Ranga Réalta used a template from the STEPS Engineer’s Week Resource Pack to help them with their lego constructions.
How Do Gears Work?
Mr. Brady’s 5th class created a wonderful spinning swing chair using lego. This started as an investigation into how gears work. The children used lego gears to help visualise direction of movement and then tried to identify objects in the classroom which might use gears. This led to the challenge of creating a new version of the teacher’s chair.
St. Patrick's Senior National School,
Blackcourt Road, Corduff,
Dublin 15, D15KD21
Phone: 01 821 6563