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St. Patrick's Senior National School, Corduff, Dublin 15
School closed for St Patrick's Day 17th & 18th of March. School re-opens on the 19th.
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Curious Minds Platinum Award

7th Jun 2023

Earlier this month we received confirmation that our school has been awarded a Curious Minds Platinum Award for STEM Education. This is a great boost for the school and a wonderful reflection of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths work done by out students over the past year! Well done to everyone involved!

A quote from the Science Foundation of Ireland about our school:

"Congratulations to all in St Patrick's NS on achieving your SFI Curious Minds Platinum award. All steps were clearly laid out and you completed some very engaging STEM investigations. It is super to see the school involved in the Incredible Edibles programme and so valuable for learners to master how to produce their own foods. Well done on your use of You Tube videos for the magnetic cars and the egg drop challenge. The egg drop challenge really captured the interest of the learners and was wonderfully executed. It looked like great fun was had by all. What super teachers to organise an After School Coding Club and subsequent Lego Club. Wonderful opportunities for your pupils to further grow and learn. The Numeracy Breakfast Club was another lovely initiative. What a wonderful way to facilitate the sharing of pupils’ numeracy with their parents... Well done on achieving your award."