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St. Patrick's Senior National School, Corduff, Dublin 15
School closed for St Patrick's Day 17th & 18th of March. School re-opens on the 19th.
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Christmas Bazaar

26th Nov 2024

Ms. Quinn's Class and Sue are organising a Christmas Bazaar for Thursday, the 5th of December. They are looking for donations please if anyone would like to help support the Christmas Bazaar. Donations can include toys that are in good working condition (no teddies please), any unwanted gift sets, books for children or adults, Christmas jumpers that are in good condition and any festive treats.  


Donations can be dropped to the lobby every morning from 9 - 9.15am. All donations will be labelled with the children's names who have donated them. Any donations that aren't sold at the Christmas Bazaar will then be sent home with their child after the sale.